The kiss of sun for pardon,
The song of birds for mirth--
One is nearer God's Heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
-Dorothy Gurney
I've finally got a little flower bed in front of the house. We have hydrangeas, gardenias, and roses.My favorite thing is the cedar tree trunk on the right. The bird bath came from my great-great uncle Bruney. Scattered through out the yard we planted native azaleas, an umbrella tree, and a ginko tree.
Flowers and gardening always make me think of my Dad and my Mamaw (great-grandmother). Every summer Mamaw had a big garden that we all helped in. As she got older, and wasn't able to keep up with a big garden Dad always made sure she had at least a few tomatoes and cucumbers planted. Now Daddy grows just about everything, and all of it from cuttings he picked up here or there. They both loved working in the garden and its something they passed along to me. I'm just now beginning to plant my flowers and I haven't tackled a vegetable garden yet, but I hope someday that my children will remember spending time in the garden with me and my Dad and it will inspire them to plant their own someday.