Thursday, April 19, 2007

Love Notes

Told you I'd be back today. I don't have anything new, but this is a little project I like alot. My anniversary was last week, so I got the hubby direct tv a few days before the big day. (Yes, we have lived with 3 channels for the past year and it really wasn't bad.) To make it extra special for Jamie, I added Nascar hotpass. Now, this means absolutely nothing to you and me but to Jamie it means I'm the best wife ever- I mean tons of kisses and a lift me off the ground spin style hug. I also think it prompted him to upgrade my gift to something better than the slippers I received for Valentine's- but thats a whole other story :)

Of course he had to have something on the actual day, so I altered this $0.25 walmart journal I've had for a couple of years for him. I used the doodle that and paisley stamp sets in close to cocoa ink. The background is certainly celery and happy is stamped on bashful blue paper with paper piercing in the corners. I used the tab punch to make the tabs for each page. The tabs are stamped with sayings like you're sweet and simply adorable on each side. The inside pages are stamped with the doodle flourishes .The binding has celery and taupe ribbons knotted around each coil. Simple, cute and he liked it alot.
We found out Sam had a double ear infection on our anniversary, so we weren't able to go out as planned. Instead, we had a meal at home and danced the night away in our own kitchen. Good times.
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."- ford

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Slacker Stamper

So, school has been killing me the past week or so. Who knew nutrition could be so hard and who really wanted to know the complete workings of the digestive system-eeks! I've been doing a little stamping, but its all been secretive. No, I'm not submitting anything professionally- I only wish I were half that good. I've been doing things for other people that are surprises, so I've had to keep it on the low.

The card with the girls was made over spring break while I was in Tennessee. The pocket is paper pieced with random designer paper. Graduation is coming up and I needed a couple of cards for Granger grads. I'm not sure what the actual mascot is, a granger or the granger star- but since I had a star stamp I went with the star. I think its cute and simple, which is important since 18 year old boys will be putting them in the trash soon!
Ok, so maybe not my best work ever but I'll post something good tomorrow - I promise. Speaking of good, I just finished reading the delish book "Savannah Blues". Its part mystery, part romance, and 100% southern fun. The best friends remind me of my relationship with my #1 top best friend (she insists that I call her that). What great books would you recommend?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spring Break is Over!!

Thank goodness, er, I mean poor kids finally had to go back to school. We had seven kids in the house for the most part of last week, and it was busy to say the least. We started spring break with a visit to family in Tennessee. Meagan and I had tons of fun stamping with Nanna. Meagan said she could really get hooked on stamping, so I guess it is contagious ( one visit to SCS tells ya that!). I don't have pics of anything we stamped, but I have a picture of all of the kids while we were there- the wind was in Sam's hair!

I've got lots of stuff I want to work on this week, but I've got to do some organizing (again..grr) before I do anything. I think I'll do some work tonight while everyone is at Evan's ball game. Before you flame me for being a bad mom and skipping a game to stamp, let me explain that I'll be home with the baby who has an earache. Maybe I'll skip stamping and take advantage of the new swing I got for my anniversary. Yes, you heard that right my terrific hubby got me an outdoor swing/ futon type thing with canopy for our anniversary yesterday. Now to see what surprise I get for my birthday on Thursday!!!